of the mercury atom loses one corpuscle, by the
eight The evidence for this is as follows: let us suppose
for a atoms with any charges from one to eight
produced by the ionlzation of the atoms of mercury in the
tube, and consider what effect this would have on
the parabolas corresponding to the mercury atom with one
charge. This would be due to atoms of the following kinds :—
Atoms which had lost
(1) 8 corpuscles In the discharge tube and regained 7 subsequently.
(2) 7 » i* » » »> 6
(3) 6 »» »» »» " » 5 n
and so on : the last member of the series being atoms which
had lost one corpuscle on ionization and had not regained it

The parabola seen on the plate would be due to the super-
position of the eight parabolas due to these different types of
atoms. The head of each of these parabolas would be separated
from the head of any of the others: if a? were the horizontal de-
flection of the one due to the atom which had only lost one
corpuscle in the discharge tube, d/2, dfe, d\^ d/5, d/69 df?9 dj$
would be the horizontal deflection of the heads of the parabolas
due to the atoms which had lost 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively.
Thus the resultant parabola would for the part which had a
horizontal deflection between d\% and dfr consist only of the
parabola due to atoms of class (i); the part when the hori-
zontal deflection was between d\j and dj6 would consist of two
parabolas due to the atoms of classes (i) and (2) ; the part with
the horizontal deflection between dj6 and dl$ would be made up
of the three parabolas corresponding to the atoms belonging
to classes (i), (2), (3), and so on. Thus at the distance dJ7, d/6,
rf/4, if/3, d}2 and dji we should expect an abrupt increase in
the brightness of the curve, for at each of these places a new
parabola is added to the old ones ; the intensity of the curve
would thus not vary continuously but would have a beaded